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There is a total of 21 Riddler Trophies in the Arkham Knight HQ and they can be found in the following locations:

Riddler Trophy 01

Upon entering the Killinger’s Department store (Arkham Knight HQ North marker on the world map). Attach the Power Winch to the anchor point on the roof and drive down into the fan shaft. Directly across from your location, you’ll see a ball track. There is a Riddler Trophy in the ball here and we need to have it reach the bottom.

Along each side of the track are multiple holes. If the ball runs into one of these, it will reset and starts from the top again. To get the ball to the bottom successfully, we need to shoot the question marks as it approaches each hole. This will prop up a small blocker to prevent it entering the hole. Once the ball reaches the bottom, you’ll need to repeat the process once again with two balls at once.

Once both balls have made it to the bottom in a single attempt, the trophy will appear on the bottom left side of the wall track and we can Batclaw it from the small platform in the centre of the room.

Riddler Trophy 02

This Riddler Trophy is located in the small alcove directly above the ball track from Riddler Trophy #1 . The puzzle here revolves around a ‘?’ light on the wall surrounded by TVs. Hit the question mark with a Batarang and you’ll see a green ‘?’ appear on one of the screens.

An orange circle will appear and move around the screens. You’ll need to time a Batarang toss to hit the large ‘?’ light at the same time the orange circle reaches the TV with the green question mark on it. Repeat another two times at increasingly faster speed to earn the trophy.

Riddler Trophy 03

This is sitting on a bench in the room at the very top of the elevator shaft, where we deactivated the generator to stop the first fan.

Riddler Trophy 04

In the room at the very top of the elevator shaft, where we deactivated the generator to stop the first fan you’ll find a Riddler security panel we can hack with the Remote Hacking Device. Do so to open the door here to find another puzzle.

There is a small tube puzzle on the wall here and we’ll need to guide a ball from the generator on the left, through the pipes and to the Riddler Trophy on the right of the room. The problem is we’ll need to move those green pieces into place so that the ball can move through them. We can change the position of the green tubes by hitting the ‘?’ light on the back wall with the Remote Electrical Charge.

Once the ball reaches its destination, you’ll be rewarded with the trophy.

Riddler Trophy 05

Between the two fans, you’ll find a large Riddler Puzzle on the left hand wall. Our goal here is to bring the ball from the top to the green ring at the bottom. There are three spinning wheels here with a bucket area that is capable of holding the ball each of which can be activated via the Remote Hacking Device . Additionally there is an ‘?’ light to the side which will control the direction that the wheels rotate in. We can change directions by hitting it with a Batarang.

Before you begin, it’s a good idea to move all three wheels so that the bucket is at the top and ready to receive the ball. Make sure the arrow is facing left during the passage on the first wheel, right during the second wheel and left again for the third wheel ride to prevent the ball from falling out. When it reaches the bottom you can claim the Riddler Trophy .

Riddler Trophy 06

Grapple up to the ledge on the eastern side of the fan shaft room just below the second fan. Inside, grapple up onto the ledge on the left draped in an Arkham Knight flag. Drop down into the next hallway and turn to the right to see a vent. Crawl through this to reach a puzzle.

It’s another ball puzzle! This time we’ll need to use the Remote Electrical Charge on the generator to the right to rotate the large wheel here so that we can pilot the ball to the green zone at the end. I found the easiest way to do this is to continue hitting the generator with the repel function until the ball is in the same section of the wheel as the green gate. At this point, we can then use the attract function to get the two to meet up.

Riddler Trophy 07

Glide over to the ledge on the southern side of the fan shaft between the two fans. Grapple up to the ledge here to reach the first elevator, use the Remote Electrical Charge on the generators to have it go up until the door is in line with a weak wall. Use Explosive Gel to take the wall down and grab the Riddler Trophy behind it.

Riddler Trophy 08

From Riddler Trophy #7 , take the elevator all the way to the bottom as we did during the main game. As soon as you exit the elevator shaft, look behind one of the nearby curtains to find a Riddler Trophy .

Riddler Trophy 09

After reaching the bottom of the second elevator shaft (continuing from Riddler Trophy #9 ) exit into the next room and look above the pink neon ‘Bar lounge’ sign. There is a Riddler Trophy sitting on top of this.

Riddler Trophy 10

Enter the door on the western side of the room at the very bottom of the fan shaft. There is a green pressure plate near the back wall with a spinning Sentry Turret behind the bars to the left. Use the Remote Hacking Device to blind the turret before stepping on the pressure plate. This will open a hatch on the wall.

Throw a Remote Control Batarang into the vent, take the first left and then fly it all the way to the end and to the right when you can go no further to find a ‘?’. Hit it to return to Batman. Immediately pull out the Remote Hacking Device to blind the Sentry Turret again. Throw a second Remote Control Batarang into the vent and this time pilot it straight ahead, through the arcing electricity to electrify it. Fly it into the room with the Sentry Turret and hit the junction box on the wall to open the gate.

As batman we can now enter and disable the Sentry Turret before nabbing the Riddler Trophy .

Riddler Trophy 11

In the room where we deactivated the seconds spinning generator to stop the lower fan you’ll find a Riddler security panel we can hack with the Remote Hacking Device. Do so to open the door here and continue inside and as you enter, look beneath the floor for a panel we can activate with the Remote Hacking Device . This will remove the door and allow us to Batclaw the Riddler Trophy on the far wall.

Riddler Trophy 12

At the bottom of the fan shaft, look above the now blocked entrance to the Excavator battle area. You should be able to see a small opening we can grapple up to. Do so and find the elevator here. Use the Remote Electrical Charge to send the elevator upwards before dropping into the shaft below it to find the Riddler Trophy on the floor.

Note: We’re done in this section of the map and because of certain story events, we’ll be unable to proceed. As such, return to the world map and make for the Arkham Knight HQ (South) marker on the rooftop to the south to continue.

Riddler Trophy 13

In the eastern room of the Arkham Knight boss battle area. This Riddler Trophy is located on a planter at ground level directly beneath the vantage point at the back of the room.

Riddler Trophy 14

In the eastern room of the Arkham Knight boss battle area, you can find a Riddler access panel along the southern wall. Use the Remote Hacking Device on this to open the door beside it.

There is a ‘lead the ball through a series of tubes’ puzzle on the wall here and we’ll need to guide a pair of balls simultaneously from the generator in the centre, through the series of pipes on the left and the right to the Riddler Trophy above. The left hand side features red tubes that we can manipulate whereas the right hand side has green tubes. We can change the position of the tubes by hitting the associated ‘?’ lights on either side of the generator with the Remote Electrical Charge.

The tricky part ids that you’ll need to keep an eye on both balls and transition the segments of pipe into place as soon as possible. I’d recommend moving both of the first pipes into place before triggering the generator. When you trigger the generator you can use the following steps:

  • As soon as the right ball enters the first green pipe, rotate it.
  • When the left ball leaves the first red pipe, rotate the pipes.
  • When the right ball reaches the lower pipe, shift the green pipes again.
  • As soon as the left ball enters the second red pipe, shift the pipes.
  • When the right ball leaves the second green pipe, move the pipes.
  • As soon as the right ball hits the third green pipe, trigger the movement again.
  • As soon as the left ball hits the third red pipe, trigger the movement again.
    Once the ball reaches its destination, you’ll be rewarded with the trophy.

Riddler Trophy 15

In the southern room of the Arkham Knight boss battle area. This Riddler Trophy is located on the side of the wall just beneath the section of weak floor on the walkway.

Riddler Trophy 16

In the southern room of the Arkham Knight boss battle area, you can find a Riddler access panel along the eastern wall on the upper level. Use the Remote Hacking Device on this to open the door beside it.

Inside the door we’ll find a pair of Sentry Turrets facing one another with a pressure plate between them. There is also a Riddler Robot behind a fence to the left. Use the Remote Hacking Device to blind the right hand Sentry Turret and then the Voice Synthesizer to have the Riddler Robot move up and disable the left hand Sentry Turret. Keep the right hand Sentry Turret blinded as you step on the pressure plate and Batclaw down the Riddler Trophy .

Riddler Trophy 17

In the western room of the Arkham Knight boss battle area. This Riddler Trophy is located on a planter at the very back of the lower level.

Riddler Trophy 18

In the western room of the Arkham Knight boss battle area. This Riddler Trophy is located in a Remote Electrical Charge themed rotation puzzle on the upper walkway. To solve this puzzle we need to rotate the square puzzle with the ball inside using the Remote Electrical Charge on the generator nearby so that we can navigate the ball around the walls and to the green circle goal marker. We can solve it using the following actions:

  • Use the Remote Electrical Charge attract shot three times.
  • Use the Remote Electrical Charge repel shot four times.
  • Use the Remote Electrical Charge attract shot three times.
    Once the ball is at the goal, you can move up and grab the Riddler Trophy.

Riddler Trophy 19

In the northern room of the Arkham Knight boss battle area. This Riddler Trophy is located in the vents beneath the large central table in the Chinese restaurant.

Riddler Trophy 20

In the northern room of the Arkham Knight boss battle area. In the afar back part of the area you’ll find a series of 16 panels on the wall that we can interact with using the Remote Hacking Device . Each of these panels will display a picture when hacked and there are eight pairs of images to be found. To solve the riddle we need to find a pair of matching images. This will disable the panels, repeat this until you have found all of the matches and all of the panels are revealed.

Finding all seven matches will unlock the Riddler trophy mounted on the wall to the right..

Riddler Trophy 21

On the upper level in the centre of the Arkham Knight boss fight area (where we entered this area initially our first time through), enter the vents and make your way back towards where we fought the Excavator boss. When you reach the area where you need to drop down, you’ll see this Riddler Trophy mounted on the wall on the far side of the room.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
    Action Adventure
  • Guide Release
    22 July 2015
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author

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Batman: Arkham Knight takes part six months after the events of Batman: Arkham City and has our caped crusader take on the super-villain Scarecrow and a renegade militia led by the mysterious titular Arkham Knight. Leaving Arkham City behind, the latest Batman title takes part in the confines of Gotham City, the largest open world in the series to date. Filled to the brim with gadgets, collectibles and nods to the greater Batman mythos, Batman: Arkham Knight does its best to be the ultimate Batman simulator. Let us guide you through Batman’s latest adventure every step of the way!

Our comprehensive guide will provide you with:

  • Complete walkthrough to the story from beginning to end.
  • Complete walkthrough to all 14 Most Wanted side-missions.
  • Winning strategies to take down the assortment of nasty bosses.
  • Strategies to earn top marks in all of the 23 AR Challenges.
  • Locations and solutions to every Riddle, Riddler Trophy, Bomb Rioter challenge.
  • Achievement/trophy unlock guide.

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