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Optional Objectives:

  • Drive two Brutes berserk
  • Perform two double assassinations

There are two distinct way to complete this mission, depending on which of the two Opportunity Events you want to trigger: The poisoned wine kill requires stealth and one mistake can ruin the mission. The window bribery kill requires you to pay 4,000 F and requires you to engage more enemies.

Poison Wine Assassination

After the scene you’ll be on a ledge above the crowds. There are three different ways that this mission can begin, depending on the patrols that pass through the area: the first is there are no patrols (1), the next is that the guards are walking below and away from the crowd (2), and the last is that the guards are engaged in combat with some rebels (3).

Leap of faith into the haycart below to reach the ground and then do one of the following, based on the patrols:

  1. If there are no guards then skip to the next section.

  2. If the guards are walking away from the crowd then follow them closely and get an easy double assassination, finishing of the final two guards.

  3. If the guards are currently engaged in combat then wait until the fight ends and the guards walk past the cart before you hop out and sneak up behind them for a double assassination.

If the guards are fighting the rebels you’ll need to wait for them to finish and walk away before you double assassinate them.

Return to the haycart and use Eagle Vision to identify the two stationary guards by the main entrance and work your way in their direction. Circle around them and head over to the single guard leaning against the wall and hidden blade kill him and then return to the two stationary guards for a double assassination.

Carefully approach the guards at the main gate from the side to kill the single guard and then double assassinate the other two.

There are very few Brutes in this mission, so you’ll need to run out of your way to the east to find a Brute by a haycart and Berserk Blade him before you return to the main entrance.

Head west this time and at the end of the restricted zone turn right, climb up into the planter, and then up the building wall to the landing. Use Eagle Vision to spot the sniper to the northeast and when his back is turned climb up and kill him from behind.

You can now continue north, slowly, to another landing with a Brute that can easily be Berserk Bladed and when he engages the other guards in combat jump down and stand on the left railing. There are two guards directly below you that if lined up properly they will both be highlighted in red and you can get another double assassination, though this is not required if you already got the two completed thanks to a patrol appearing outside the main gates.

Berserk Blade the Brute on the roof and then double air assassinate the two guards below.

Turn around and head into the courtyard to reach the wine cart and steal some wine before you return to where you killed the guards and turn right to a window.

Use Eagle Vision to get a view of the area and then wait for the guard that patrols by the window to turn his back and quickly hop in and over the wall to the left to walk upstairs (do not run unless you are spotted). If you are spotted, and it’s highly possible you will be, run up the stairs and turn right to hide in a room while the guards lose sight of you and reset.

Blend in with the crowds and slowly make your way to the (!) and place the bottle for a scene. Use Eagle Vision to identify your target in gold and hold your position while the waiter brings the wine over to Le Peletier. Eventually Le Peletier will leave his chair and walk past the bar and into the hall behind you. This is your opportunity to walk over and assassinate him.

Carefully make your way upstairs and place the poisoned wine bottle (left). Once Le Peletiere is poisoned he weill begin to walk toward you (right).

After the scene you will likely be under attack, so run back the same way you entered and hop out the window and continue left to leave the zone and finish the mission.

Bribery Assassination

After the scene you’ll be on a ledge above the crowds. There are three different ways that this mission can begin, depending on the patrols that pass through the area: the first is there are no patrols (1), the next is that the guards are walking below and away from the crowd (2), and the last is that the guards are engaged in combat with some rebels (3).

Leap of faith into the haycart below to reach the ground and then do one of the following, based on the patrols:

  1. If there are no guards then skip to the next section.

  2. If the guards are walking away from the crowd then follow them closely and get an easy double assassination, finishing of the final two guards.

  3. If the guards are currently engaged in combat then wait until the fight ends and the guards walk past the cart before you hop out and sneak up behind them for a double assassination.

If the guards are not fighting you can jump down and double assassinate them easily.

Return to the haycart and use Eagle Vision to identify the two stationary guards by the main entrance and work your way in their direction. Circle around them and head over to the single guard leaning against the wall and hidden blade kill him and then return to the two stationary guards for a double assassination.

Head east to find two guards and carefully walk up behind them and aim it so both are lined in red for a double assassination, or if you already completed the optional objective you can Berserk Blade the Brute.

Double assassinate the main gate guards (left) and then head east and double assassinate the guards here or Berserk Blade the Brute (right).

Turn left to run down the east side of the building until you reach the far corner with another gate and two flags. Climb up the window under the left flag to the roof and use Eagle Vision to spot a Brute on the roof and shoot a Berserk Blade into him when it’s safe. Cross the roof to the opposite landing and hop over the ledge and descend into the courtyard.

The woman nearby can be bribed for the Infiltration Opportunity, but it will cost you 4,000 F. Pay the woman and climb the ladder nearby to enter the building and turn around the corner to a call and use Eagle Vision. Enter the hall and stab the Defender when his back is to you and then enter the next room and quickly kill the two guards.

Bribe the woman with 4,000 F and then lure the guard into the hall to kill him.

The next hall has a Brute in it, which you can hit with a Berserk Blade if you still need one more, and once the area is clear hang by the right doorway into the area with Le Peletier.

You need to enter the area enough to get the conversation started, but as soon as you hear him request some wine exit and take cover by the door. After a few minutes Le Peletier will leave the dining hall and walk through the door you are at, allowing you to get a cover kill.

Now exit out the same way you entered and leave the area to complete the mission.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Stealth
  • Guide Release
    3 January 2015
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Stephanie Barnes

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The story continues with Arno Dorian, a French nobleman raised by the Templar Grand Master, Francois De La Serre. After the death of his father, an Assassin, De La Serre adopts Arno and raises him as his own son, alongside his daughter Elise. Thirteen years later, on the eve of Elies’s induction into the Templar Order, De La Serre is murdered and Arno is jailed in the Bastille as the culprit. Vowing to track down the killer of the man who raised him, Arno finds himself joining the Assassin Brotherhood and following a trail of corruption that goes much deeper than every imagined.

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