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Optional Objective/s
1. Do not trigger the alarm.
Reward/s . . .
Money: 600 £ Bonus: 250 £
XP: 430 XP Bonus: 250 XP
Gear: N/A

The Red Growler Distillery Child Liberation activity can be found in the southeastern section of the Westminster borough, just south of the houses of parliament. This particular activity encompasses a group of four buildings and between them there are four groups of children to liberate, a foreman to kill and three alarm bells which we’ll need to avoid activating to complete the optional objective.

As there are multiple alarm bells in this area, I’ve provided a stealthier approach as it is actually faster and easier to avoid the bells (and enemies where possible) in this activity.

Let’s head for the roof of the building in the southwest corner first. There is a group of children [Children 1/4] in the courtyard to the south of this. There are also three Blighters and an alarm bell guarding this group. Either use your throwing knives to deal headshots to all three enemies or drop down and use your hidden blade. Free the children when it is all clear and disable the alarm.

Next up is the main building which is located in the southeast corner of the restricted area. Approach it from the southwest and you’ll see an opening halfway up the wall above some scaffolding. Make your way up here.

Take cover beside the opening and use Eagle Vision to locate the foreman (and other enemies of course). Wait until he gets close enough to your position to be affected by a whistle and then draw him to the opening for a cover takedown.

The first children are by the southwest building (left). Lure the Foreman to your position from the sniper platform on the southwest of the main building (right).

From this cover position, you’ll also be able to make out a group of children [Children 2/4 ] along the walkway directly in front, kill their patrolling guard with a knife or an assassination before rescuing them. There is also another set of unguarded children [Children 3/4] on the walkway on the opposite side of the room (the foreman was looking after them).

The final group of children [Children 4/4] can be found on the ground floor of this building, however they can be tricky to reach as they are guarded by four Blighters (two patrollers and two stationary) and there is also an alarm bell nearby. We can either attempt to use throwing knives to eliminate all four enemies before moving down to rescue them (preferable), find the stairs leading down, pull a U-turn at the bottom and use the crates and crouch walking as cover to approach their position. You can kill all the enemies if you take the latter option, but the only real threat is the Blighter closest to the children.

Once you have killed the foreman and freed all of the children, the memory will be complete.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
    Action Adventure
  • Guide Release
    13 December 2015
  • Last Updated
    11 February 2021
  • Guide Author

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Assassin’s Creed Syndicate drops us into Victorian age London to liberate the city (and by extension the world) from Templar influence one dead body and borough at a time. The most modern Assassin’s Creed title yet sees numerous new features for the series including: revolvers, trains, horse drawn carriages, Batman-style rope launchers and gang warfare all of which lend Syndicate a fresh feel after years of similar, annual experiences. In our extensive Assassin’s Creed Syndicate guide, we’ll take you through the game from beginning to end, show you how to handle all those secondary memories and just about everything else the game has to offer!

Our guide includes:

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  • All secondary memories covered (London Stories, The Dreadful Crimes, etc.).
  • All Secrets of London.
  • How to takeover and conquer every borough.
  • Hunting/Harpooning/Crafting - it’s all in here.
  • Associate Activities and miscellaneous side-tasks explained.
  • Complete achievement/trophy unlock guide.

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