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Assassin's Creed: Origins

List of Trophies and Achievements (3)

Nathan Garvin
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Circle of Life

Feed a predator with a corpse.

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The only thing this perk requires is patience, a willing enemy soldier, and a hungry crocodile. The latter two can be found readily enough - on the roads west of Alexandria, and in the waters nearby, respectively. The patience you’ll have to provide yourself. Kill an enemy, then pick up their body and locate a crocodile with Senu. Find one not terribly near the shore (and certainly not on it) but not too far off, either. They need to be far enough away that they won’t attack you, but close enough that they’ll notice the body. Drop the body on the shore near the water, hide in some bushes, and wait. When the crocodile moves in to take a bite, you’ll get this trophy. Obviously there are other predators you can use, but this example solution works, as well.

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Seven Farmers

Complete Side Quest "Seven Farmers".

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To earn this trophy/achievement, you’ll need to complete the quest “Seven Farmers” , which you can find near the only fast travel point in Uab Nome. It has a suggested level of thirty, so you’ll probably want to put it off until you’re around that level. You’ll find it in the “Questing Southern Egypt” section of the walkthrough.

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The Festival

Complete Side Quest "Lady of Slaughter".

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To earn this trophy/achievement you’ll need to complete the quest “Lady of Slaughter” . This quest is the final quest in a series of quests given to you by Menehet, a priest of the Temple of Sekhmet in Yamu. This questline starts with “Ambush in the Temple” , and includes “Ulterior Motive” before finishing with “Lady of Slaughter” . With a suggested level of eight, there’s no reason you can’t do this shortly after leaving Siwa for the first time. You’ll find it in the “To Alexandria” section of the guide.

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Shadow of Egypt

Kill 10 enemies in a row without being detected.

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There’s no real kind way to say this, but… you’ll just have to “get good” for this trophy/achievement. Fortunately, the bar isn’t terribly high considering the number of foes you can kill in a single location by just whistling them to their doom. Pick a well-populated enemy camp and run the walls, or hide in bushes. You’ll probably get this trophy/achievement naturally, as you play through the game.

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Destroy 100 breakable objects.

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You’ll find breakable urns regularly throughout the game, generally in tombs and in enemy camps. Another trophy/achievement you’ll likely get on accident, just by playing the game, you can grind it if you wish by quitting to the menu and reloading, which should repopulate enemy camps with breakable objects, at least including oil jars.

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I Know My Land

Defog the whole map.

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You’ll automatically dispel the fog of war in an area when you venture far enough into it. Just visit every province in the game and you’ll get this… it’s practically a requirement if you intend to complete “Old Habits”.

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Raider of the Lost Tomb

Complete a tomb.

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Find one Ancient Tablet to get this trophy/achievement. Ancient Tablets are found in tombs, so just check your map for any point of interest with a location objective of “Find the Ancient Tablet” and you’re good to go. There’s one, the Mountain of the Dead Tomb, west of Siwa, which is covered as part of the quest “Hideaway” , in the “Prologue” section of the guide.

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I Can See My House From Here

Reach the "Top of the World" in the Black Desert territory.

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Along the northeastern end of the Black Desert province you’ll find a large mountain - it’s plainly visible on the map. Near the top of this mountain you’ll find the Ra-Horakhty Mountain Top hermit location. Go to this point of interest and you should unlock this trophy/achievement when you discover the aforementioned location.

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Set-up Date

Bring a tamed lion to a crocodile.

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This trophy/achievement requires a significant investment in the Seer tree, as you’ll need both the Sleep Darts ability, and the Animal Taming ability - and any abilities required to reach them. Once you have them, you’ll need to tame a lion, then lead this tamed lion to a crocodile. There are a lot of things that can go wrong - finding a lone lion can be a chore enough, and ensuring it survives to meet a crocodile is another matter entirely.

A good spot can be found in the Sapi-Res Nome, near a fast travel spot midway between Sais and Letopolis. From this fast travel point you should be able to see some lions hunting. Pick them all off, save one, then neutralize your target with a Sleep Dart and tame in. From here, just follow the road northeast across a river. Kill the hippopotami in the water and continue northeast along a small village to reach another, smaller river, where crocodiles reside. Once you get close enough for cat-on-croc violence to begin, you’ll get this tropy/achievement.

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Where's My Black Flag

Defeat 8 Ship Captains.

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In the more significant bodies of water in the game (Mediterranean, Lake Mareotis, Lake Moeris and the Nile River itself) you’ll find triremes, simple points of interest with a few enemy soldiers and the location objective of killing the ship’s captain. They’re widely spread out, geographically, and the levels of the captains vary quite a bit, so it could take some doing to earn this trophy/achievement. There are ten such events in the game, you need only kill eight of the captains.

Captain Location Province
West Mediterranean Trireme Kyrenaika. Marmarica
East Mediterranean Trireme Alexandra, Kanopos Nome
North Mareotis Trireme Lake Mareotis
South Mareotis Trireme Lake Mareotis
Nile Delta Ship Im-Khent Nome
Upper Nile Trireme Ineb-Hedjet Nome
South Nile Trireme Atef-Pehu Nome
East Moeris Trireme Faiyum
West Moeris Trireme Faiyum
South Moeris Trireme Faiyum Oasis
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Take 1 photo in 5 different territories.

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Enter five different provinces and press the [L3] and [R3] buttons (the analog sticks) at the same time to enter photo mode and take a picture. Just don’t be a jerk and take the picture at a fast travel point.

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Kill a poisoned level 35+ enemy with the torch in less than 30 seconds.

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Best saved for when you’re a high level, find some common soldiers, suitably leveled (the Roman Akropolis in Kyrenaika works well for this) and pick them off until there’s just one. You only want the weakest soldier you can find - no brutes, no shields, no dual swords, nothing that’ll compicate this further. When you’ve cleared the field and found your target, hit them with a Poison Dart (you must have the Poison Darts ability), equip your torch and hit them until they die. This should be easy to accomplish with a leve forty Bayek on Normal difficulty if you followed the advice above.

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Free as a Bird

Use the eagle for a total of 30 minutes.

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You’ll need to use Senu constantly throughout the game to locate quest objectives, location objectives and mark targets. You should have no trouble getting this trophy/achievement through normal play.

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Swim for 1500m, ride for 40km and run for 10km.

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Another trophy/achievement you’ll get by just playing the game, if you many any significant progress in the game, you’ll almost certainly meet the objective require to earn this.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
    Action Adventure
  • Guide Release
    26 November 2017
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Nathan Garvin

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The year is 48 BCE, and both Rome and Ptolemaic Egypt are torn by civil wars. In the chaos caused by this political upheaval, a shadowy conspiracy seeks the mysteries buried under the sands of Egypt, not sparing any who stand in the way of their ambitions. One such aggrieved individual, Bayek, a Medjay from Siwa, now seeks revenge against this secret organization. Ultimately going back to the origins of the Assassin’s Brotherhood, Assassin’s Creed Origins is a rebirth of the Assassin’s Creed franchise, adding a vast open world, a revamped combat system and RPG elements to the prolific stealth-action series.

  • Guide includes a complete walkthrough of all main quests, side quests and points of interest.
  • Ideal chronological order walkthrough.
  • All Stone Circle locations and solutions.
  • Strategies for defeating all Phylakes.
  • Trophy/Achievement Guide

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