Table of Contents
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- Templar Hunt 01 - Opia Apito
- Templar Hunt 02 - Rhona Dinsmore
- Templar Hunt 03 - Anto
- Templar Hunt 04 - Vance Travers
Assassin Contract Missions
Contract 01 - The Plantation Master79
Contract 02 - The Guard Post80
Contract 03 - The Slave Traders81
Contract 04 - The Judge82
Contract 05 - The Weapon Smugglers83
Contract 06 - The British Captain84
Contract 07 - Beach Bonfire85
Contract 08 - A Shipment of Powder86
Contract 09 - The Spanish Commander87
Contract 10 - Unlicensed Dealer88
Contract 11 - No More Taxes89
Contract 12 - A Botched Escape90
Contract 13 - The Pirate Captain91
Contract 14 - The Outlaws92
Contract 15 - Tomb Raiders93
Contract 16 - A Last Drink For The Road94
Contract 17 - Castaway95
Contract 18 - The Unworthy Brother96
Contract 19 - The Poachers97
Contract 20 - The Deserter98
Contract 21 - The Twin Dilemma99
Contract 22 - The Dreaded Pirate100
Contract 23 - The Expedition101
Contract 24 - The Slave Master102
Contract 25 - A Slavers Business103
Contract 26 - The Informant104
Contract 27 - The Treasure Hunter105
Contract 28 - A Shady Business106
Contract 29 - The Smugglers Squat107
Contract 30 - The Outlaws Cave108
Naval Contract Missions
Contract 01 - Eye for an Eye110
Contract 02 - The Law of the Ocean111
Contract 03 - A Spanish Plague112
Contract 04 - Driftwood113
Contract 05 - Silk on the Waves114
Contract 06 - Contraband115
Contract 07 - Private Escort116
Contract 08 - Blind Justice117
Contract 09 - The Final Contract118
Contract 10 - The Realities of War119
Contract 11 - Hunter Gatherer120
Contract 12 - Papers, Please121
Contract 13 - Weathering the Storm122
Contract 14 - Smugglers Den123
Contract 15 - A Personal Matter124
- Forts
- Shipwrecks
- Smugglers Dens
- Mayan Stelae
- Legendary Ships
- Upgrading the cove at Great Inagua
- Abstergo Challenges
Main Missions
Memory 01 - The Calm Before The Storm175
Memory 02 - A Common Enemy176
Memory 03 - Laying The First Brick177
Memory 04 - A Ship Of His Own178
Memory 05 - Lifting The Veil179
Memory 06 - A Scientific Enquiry180
Memory 07 - Plant The Seeds181
Memory 08 - Down With The Ship182
Memory 09 - De Fayets Last Stand183
- Side Activities and Upgrades
- Maps and Treasure Locations
Main Missions