- Boston
- Fort Hill
- Fort Independence
- New York
- Fort Washington
- Fort Division
- Frontier
- Fort Monmouth
- Fort Duquesne
- Fort St-Mathieu
The forts can simply be taken by force. Just stroll in and introduce every sod wearing red to the business end of your Tomahawk and faster than you can say ‘Oh Connor, that triple face stab was a bit harsh wasn’t it?’ The Fort will be liberated and you can get on with phoning that psychiatrist.
That said every Fort has an entrance or two designed to support a more stealthy playstyle, such as a hole in the side wall or a tree canopy you can use to acrobat your way inside.
Does beating a fort in a silent manner earn you anything? Only the warm, fuzzy embrace of personal victory, we’re afraid to say. That said it’s still an interesting challenge to undertake if you fancy it, and one that will earn big kudos from other Assassin’s Creed III players should you upload such a run to Youtube.
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