Too Far Down a Rabite Hole Side Quests
Request Notes (Start)
Amarr rushes off to make friends with a pack of Rabites, thinking they’d reciprocate. You watch as he scurries off in the direction of
Charred Passage… See if you can catch up with him before something goes awry again. Déjà vu much?
Request Notes (End)
You swooped in and saved Amarr from the Rabites. He expressed his thanks but didn’t look any less eager to make friends with a monster. Hopefully he succeeds one day soon, if only for the sake of his own safety, or better yet, abandons the idea entirely.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Trynia Continent
X: 4366 Y: 11159
Given by Steadfast Amarr, an NPC standing near the path that leads by the gear shop, after completing
Never Judge a Goblin by Its Cover.
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