Rubinus Ex Machina Side Quests
Request Notes (Start)
A group of Guardians has congregated in the heart of
Dorpher Volcano. They appear to be huddled around an object, as if trying to protect it… At Berzer’s request, see if you can find out what that something is.
Request Notes (End)
You presented Berzer with the rock that the Guardians were huddled around. After removing the surface layer, he showed you that it was a chunk of rare crimsonite. He didn’t go into what was so special about it, but it seemed like it might come in useful at some point. Better take good care of it just in case.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Trynia Continent
X: 5964 Y: 10050
Given by Voyager Berzer, an NPC standing near the entrance to
Dorpher Volcano.
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