Retrieving Purrloined Goods Side Quests
Request Notes (Start)
A spate of cargo thefts around Illystana has put many businesses on edge. A merchant named Haldam has even gone so far as to accuse Niccolo of planning these heists. Go to
Ahrvet’s Pasture, find the real ringleader, retrieve the stolen cargo, and clear Niccolo’s name.
Request Notes (End)
Haldam apologized to Niccolo once you brought back his stolen merchandise. He said that he’d been ripped off by felapine merchants like Niccolo in the past, hence his suspicion. In reality, Niccolo used to be one such crafty merchant—until a kind, elderly trader took him in, and he saw the error of his ways. That’s when he turned over a new leaf and sought to become a trusted business owner.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Manadore Continent
X: 8200 Y: 8453
Given by Niccolo inside
Niccolo’s Emporium after completing
A Purrsistent Purroblem.
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