No Taste Like Home Side Quests
Request Notes (Start)
Naaz is a historian who was investigating some ruins until he was forced to stop due to exhaustion and hunger. He seems to be craving a traditional Ledgas Bay meal…
Request Notes (End)
Naaz wolfed down the bowl of Ledgas Seafood Stew you gave to him. The poor historian revealed that he has a terrible habit of forgoing food and rest when he gets too focused on exploring ancient ruins. This is indeed concerning behavior… Let’s hope it doesn’t end up getting him into more trouble than he can get himself out of.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Manadore Continent
X: 5163 Y: 9665
Given by Historian Naaz, an NPC standing near a tent here. You’ll need to complete the
Ingredients for Success quest to complete this one.
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