Meat and No Veg Side Quests
Request Notes (Start)
Yotsuba is an unashamed meat-lover whose doctor is not too happy at her unhealthy eating habits. In an effort to change her ways, Yotsuba wants to start eating Pricklebeak meat as it is said to taste great despite being very lean. See if you can find some Pricklebeak tenders for her.
Request Notes (End)
You handed the Pricklebeak tenders to Yotsuba and she was unable to hide her delight. If anyone doubted her love for meat before, their minds would surely be changed now. Hopefully it was the start of a healthier diet and a happier doctor.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Trynia Continent
X: 7951 Y: 8641
Given by Tailor Yotsuba, an NPC standing on a ledge overlooking the area.
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