Feelings Bottled Up 1 Side Quests
Request Notes (Start)
Inside the bottle that Limoney had in his possession is a letter with a frail child’s humble plea: “would you like to be my friend?” The old man writes a letter in reply, letting the child know they’re not alone. Limoney asks you to release the bottle into the sea from the beach at Pritta Ridge.
Request Notes (End)
When you told Limoney that you had released the bottle, he smiled gently and thanked you for your troubles, although there was an air of concern about him. Perhaps he was worried about the ill child who had desperately penned the original letter…
Interactive Map Locations

1. Manadore Continent
X: 10357 Y: 8609
Given by Organizer Limoney, an NPC standing near the fish stalls. May only appear after completing
Object of the Herb.
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