I'm afraid I cannot recommend this guide in good conscience, particularly after enjoying Haeravon's previous two Witcher guides. This walkthrough was originally fantastic in the GameFAQs era but it now appears to have been chopped up and butchered and restructured for (reasons?!) so things now appear out of sequence and refer back to things you've not done yet.
The first expansion Hearts of Stone is completely absent, and the second expansion Blood and Wine is partially featured but just stops halfway through.
Sokkus appears to have a complete guide for the base game and both expansions on GameFAQs, failing that if you want a nice experience check out the mod "Progress on the Path" which acts as a checklist/breadcrumb trail for absolutely every quest, item, event, etc in the game.
Also check out a fantastic order of doing things on this Reddit link if you just want to know which quests to do https://www.reddit.com/r/thewitcher3/comments/18uthid/the_witcher_3_optimal_quest_order_guide_updated/
I'm sorry you can't recommend our guide in its current form and I don't disagree with your feedback. Haeravon is back working on this with me to properly bring it up to date, with new media and a proper structure that isn't out of sequence. We will finish the DLCs as promised. I hope people will find it useful again soon and thanks for checking it out.
Why would you butcher such a perfect guide? This is a mess now, I have followed your previous guide for numerous playthrougs on old gen, decided to play again for a 2nd time on new generation and i see this, sad
I'm afraid I cannot recommend this guide in good conscience, particularly after enjoying Haeravon's previous two Witcher guides. This walkthrough was originally fantastic in the GameFAQs era but it now appears to have been chopped up and butchered and restructured for (reasons?!) so things now appear out of sequence and refer back to things you've not done yet.
The first expansion Hearts of Stone is completely absent, and the second expansion Blood and Wine is partially featured but just stops halfway through.
Sokkus appears to have a complete guide for the base game and both expansions on GameFAQs, failing that if you want a nice experience check out the mod "Progress on the Path" which acts as a checklist/breadcrumb trail for absolutely every quest, item, event, etc in the game.
Also check out a fantastic order of doing things on this Reddit link if you just want to know which quests to do https://www.reddit.com/r/thewitcher3/comments/18uthid/the_witcher_3_optimal_quest_order_guide_updated/
I'm sorry you can't recommend our guide in its current form and I don't disagree with your feedback. Haeravon is back working on this with me to properly bring it up to date, with new media and a proper structure that isn't out of sequence. We will finish the DLCs as promised. I hope people will find it useful again soon and thanks for checking it out.