The Zora Child's Fate Side Quests
Head inside the next house to the left and speak to Medaka’s mother.
Show her a Tangler, then a
Bombfish and finally a
Bari. Bombfish can be found in
Stilled Upper Zora River.
Reward:Zora Scale
Adventure Log Text
A boy who lives in the River Zora village needs you to check in on his mother. She’s been staring into a pool in their house, muttering to herself about monsters.
The Zora mother needs a monster for…something. She’s asked you to bring her a “sinister” fish monster.
You got a “sinister” fish monster for the Zora mother. She learned what she could from it but now needs you to bring her a monster that goes BOOM when anyone gets near it.
You got a monster that goes BOOM when anyone gets near it, but now the Zora mother needs you to bring her a shocking jellyfish monster.
The Zora mother was able to make a Zora scale for her son after studying a few monsters. With it, he was finally able to swim just fine.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Hyrule Map - Echoes of Wisdom
Medaka who’s standing around the east part of River Zora Village.
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