The Great Fairy's Request Side Quests
After receiving the quest, speak to the shopkeeper at the Gerudo Shop.
Next, head to the Goron’s Shop inside
Goron City. Return to the
Lizalfos Burrow (Cave) to exterminate the
Lizalfos inside and obtain a
Magma Stone.
For the second item, check out the Sea Zora’s Shop inside the
Sea Zora Village. Trade an
Unfortunate Smoothie (created by mixing two incompatible ingredients) for the
Floral Seashell.
Go back to the Gerudo’s Shop and hand over the two quest items for the
Lovely Pendant.
Finally, report back to the Great Fairy Shrine.
Reward:Might Bell.
Adventure Log Text
The Great Fairy asked that you give her a pendant — and in exchange, she’ll provide an artifact that can detect might crystals. Go see the artisan in
Gerudo Town.
The Gerudo artisan agreed to make a pendant, but she’ll need you to bring her a floral seashell and a magma stone.
You gathered the materials for the pendant: a floral seashell and a magma stone. Head back to the Gerudo artisan.
The Gerudo artisan made the perfect pendant for you, using the materials you collected. Now you can bring it to the Great Fairy.
The Great Fairy was delighted with the pendant you gave her. She made you a Might Bell, which will react when a
Might Crystal is nearby.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Hyrule Map - Echoes of Wisdom
Inside the Great Fairy Shrine. Received after opening the
Treasure Chest with the
Might Crystal inside.
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