The Fireworks Artist Side Quests
The place you’re looking for is a short distance west from Rock-Roast Quarry (Cave).
Look for a bunch of sparkles around the golden flowers to find the Blastpowder Soil. Then return to Basa at
Goron City to complete the quest.
Adventure Log Text
Basa, Goron City’s fireworks artist, has run out of
Blastpowder Soil. You can find some up where lots of golden flowers bloom.
You found the Blastpowder Soil by the golden flowers! Time to bring it to Basa in Goron City.
You delivered the Blastpowder Soil to Basa the fireworks artist. His colorful new fireworks delighted all of Goron City.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Hyrule Map - Echoes of Wisdom
X: 4973 Y: 6353
From Basa inside Goron City. After completing
Eldin Temple.
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