Dohna's Challenge Side Quests
Go to the Treasury, which is connected to
Gerudo Palace, on the upper level outside.
Sneak your way past the Gerudo guards, grabbing the pajamas from the
Treasure Chest at the end.
You can climb up and create bridges or use Flying Tiles to avoid most of the guards at the start.
The only annoying guard is the one right at the end, since she can jump over the tables and surprise you.
For her, you can throw Pots in the opposite direction etc.
Reward:Silk Pajamas
Adventure Log Text
Dohna improved security in the treasury, and she challenged you to try to steal treasure deep within. The treasury is in the palace, on the west side up on the second floor.
You opened the chest that was deep within the treasury. Dohna rewarded you for completing the challenge with the treasure: a set of silk pajamas.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Hyrule Map - Echoes of Wisdom
From Dohna standing at the east side of Gerudo Town.
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