Beetle Ballyhoo Side Quests
Travel to the Cave north-east of
Gerudo Town and destroy all the
Beetle Mounds inside.
You’ll get a ‘quest updated’ nofication once you’ve done the deed.
Heart Barette
Adventure Log Text
You’ve been asked to exterminate beetle mounds by Raslett, an off-duty Gerudo soldier. The mounds are located in a cave northeast of town.
You cleaned up all of the beetle mounds inside the cave! Head back to town so you can let the Gerudo soldier know.
Raslett regretted keeping the truth from her commander. She has now committed to overcoming her fear.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Hyrule Map - Echoes of Wisdom
X: 4090 Y: 9379
From woman standing outside the building west from the Gerudo Shop.
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