The Mysterious Rifts Main Quests
Adventure Log Text
The king and others who are missing might be inside other Rifts. Tri has marked the location of two large Rifts in the Gerudo Desert and
Jabul Waters.
You ended up in a small cave after being swept away in an underground waterway.
Your destination has been swallowed up by a Rift. Search for a spot you can enter the Rift so that you and Tri can mend it.
Tri made an entrance into the Rift. Once you save Tri’s trapped friends, you should be able to mend the Rift.
The inside of the Rift is connected to the Still World. Tri says they can sense their friends farther into the Still World here.
The Rift in the forest was put back in order after saving Tri’s friends. You can return to the normal world.
Though previously paralyzed within the Rift, Lefte has recovered. Follow her to the place Impa marked on your map.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Hyrule Map - Echoes of Wisdom
Received at the start of the game, after escaping from the prison cell.
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