20 Rupees Rupees
An somewhat rare Rupee with distinctive red colouring. Can be found while exploring, usually inside chests or in hard-to-reach areas.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Hyrule Map - Echoes of Wisdom
Inside the Treasure Chest near the center of
Suthorn Forest. Use a
Trampoline to reach the raised section it’s on.

4. Hyrule Map - Echoes of Wisdom
Treasure Chest behind cracked wall north-west from
Seesyde Village.
Requires bombs, eg. a Bombfish.

5. Hyrule Map - Echoes of Wisdom
Inside a cell in the Deku Scrub Lockup. You can get inside with the help of the
Lockup Key.

6. Hyrule Map - Echoes of Wisdom
Treasure Chest at
Suthorn Beach, in a high up alcove.

7. Hyrule Map - Echoes of Wisdom
Inside a half-buried treasure chest. Possess it with Tri, then walk away to pull it out of the sand.

8. Hyrule Map - Echoes of Wisdom
Submerged Treasure Chest at the
River Zora Village.

11. Hyrule Map - Echoes of Wisdom
Treasure Chest around north-east corner of
Hebra Mountain, submerged in the chilling water.

14. Hyrule Map - Echoes of Wisdom
Reward for completing the Flag Race Short Course at Hyrule Ranch.
Note: Contents may differ.

15. Hyrule Map - Echoes of Wisdom
Inside a half-buried treasure chest. Possess it and walk away to dig it out.

16. Hyrule Map - Echoes of Wisdom
Treasure Chest inside the fifth room of the
Wrecked Ship.

18. Hyrule Map - Echoes of Wisdom
Underneath the third gravestone on the bottom row. Possess it, then walk north to move it out of the way.

19. Hyrule Map - Echoes of Wisdom
Treasure Chest east from
Kakariko Village. Surrounded by monsters.

21. Hyrule Map - Echoes of Wisdom
Inside a chest stuck in the sand beneath the water. Possess it with Tri then swim away to pull it out of the ground.

22. Hyrule Map - Echoes of Wisdom
Inside the Hidden Ruins.
Halfway through the first 2D section.

23. Hyrule Map - Echoes of Wisdom
Reward for completing Moblins’ Revenge at the Slumber Dojo.

24. Hyrule Map - Echoes of Wisdom
Submerged Treasure Chest south from
Sea Zora Village.

25. Hyrule Map - Echoes of Wisdom
Reward for completing the Acorn Gathering minigame at Zora River.

26. Hyrule Map - Echoes of Wisdom
Reward for completing the Acorn Gathering minigame in front of the Northern Sanctuary.

27. Hyrule Map - Echoes of Wisdom
South-west from River Zora Village, above a waterfall.

28. Still World Map
Treasure Chest inside
Stilled Suthorn Forest, on an island to the west.
Use Old Beds and
Trampolines to reach.

29. Still World Map
Inside a half-buried treasure Chest in the outside section of the Stilled Gerudo Sanctum.

30. Hyrule Map - Echoes of Wisdom
Inside a treasure chest in the Flying Tile room of the
Gerudo Sanctum.

31. Still World Map
Treasure Chest inside
Stilled Hyrule Castle Town, atop a broken off piece of the rampart.

33. Still World Map
Stilled Faron Wetlands, further north from the entrance. Near some
Deku Baba Lv. 2s.
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