Recording from a Stalker’s PDA Found in the Rookie Village Voice
Seryoha Massandra: Eh, just my luck! Right after I finally talked the Gaffer into approving my transfer!
Kostya Cat: Don’t sweat it. I’m telling you, they’ll get rid of those Monolithians soon enough. And then you might be not so eager to leave the Cordon after all.
Seryoha Massandra: And why is that?
Kostya Cat: Well, I heard Sidorovich talking to that guy… I think they call him Dark. He thinks he’s on the verge of finding the Oasis. Right here, in our backyard!
Seryoha Massandra: Oasis my ass… Sidorovich knew you were snooping, and he said exactly what you wanted to hear. He doesn’t want to die, so he feeds bullshit like that to suckers like us.
Interactive Map Locations

1. The Zone Map
X: 13365 Y: 17485
Obtained when taking Seryoha Massandra’s PDA, found on a bed inside the house.
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