Back to Group Skills Imparted Wisdom Group Skills Guardian's Protection Doshaguma's Might Descriptions Lv 1 Increases the chance of finding rare gathering points. Obtained From Azuz Apron α Chest Azuz Headdress α Head Azuz Pants α Legs Azuz α Armor Sets Battle Coil α Waist Battle Greaves α Legs Battle Helm α Head Battle Mail α Chest Battle Vambraces α Arms Battle α Armor Sets Butterfly Brachia α Arms Butterfly Crura α Legs Butterfly Elytra α Waist Butterfly Thorax α Chest Butterfly Vertex α Head Butterfly α Armor Sets Death Stench Bowels α Waist Death Stench Brain α Head Death Stench Grip α Arms Death Stench Heel α Legs Death Stench Muscle α Chest Death Stench α Armor Sets High Metal Braces α Arms High Metal Coil α Waist High Metal Greaves α Legs High Metal Helm α Head High Metal Mail α Chest High Metal α Armor Sets King Beetle Brachia α Arms King Beetle Crura α Legs King Beetle Elytra α Waist King Beetle Thorax α Chest King Beetle Vertex α Head King Beetle α Armor Sets Kunafa Chaps α Legs Kunafa Cloak α Chest Kunafa Headgear α Head Kunafa Sash α Waist Kunafa α Armor Sets Melahoa Branch α Arms Melahoa Folia α Waist Melahoa Hat α Head Melahoa Jacket α Chest Melahoa Roots α Legs Melahoa α Armor Sets Sild Coat α Chest Sild Hood α Head Sild α Armor Sets Suja Sash α Waist Suja α Armor Sets Subscribe Now to Remove Ads
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