Suji Spot Point of Interest
Walk into the green glowing circle to receive a random item for your Sujimon. You can use these points to check your Sujimon and alter your team etc.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Hawaii Map
X: 3212 Y: 8108
Found near the Docks. Walk into the green circle to receive Suji items.

2. Hawaii Map
X: 3624 Y: 7258
Near Lantern Street in Downtown.
Walk into the green circle to receive Suji items.

3. Hawaii Map
X: 4391 Y: 7266
On the main road of Downtown. Walk into the green circle to receive Suji items.

7. Hawaii Map
X: 6242 Y: 7354
Found just outside the Sujigami PC Shop in the Anaconda Shopping Center.
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