Shadow Realm Rune [7] Runes
Golden remnants of the grace bestowed upon those who fell in the realm of shadow. Use to gain 30000 runes. In a long-forgotten place where none would tread, the light of grace quietly grew ever more brilliant.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Realm of Shadows Map
On a corpse at the edge of the cliff west of the Abandoned Church. Climb the fallen tree trunk to the north of the raised platform to access it.

2. Realm of Shadows Map
Inside Midra’s Manse. On top of the smaller bookcase in Midra’s Library. Accessed from the
Midra’s Library site of Grace and jumping across the beams and bookcases. The smaller bookcase is in the center of the room.

3. Realm of Shadows Map
Held by a corpse next to the tree. Guarded by several enemies.

4. Realm of Shadows Map
Held by a corpse in the underground area. Climb the nearby tree root to reach it, but watch out for the group of Man-Fly.
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