Viridian Amber Medallion +3 Talisman
Boosts maximum stamina by the utmost
A medallion with viridian amber inlaid. Boosts maximum stamina by the utmost. The Erdtree’s old sap becomes amber, treasured as the most precious of jewels in the age of Godfrey, the first Elden Lord. These medallions, of the largest variety, were conferred to Godwyn’s inner circle of distinguished golden knights.
Increases maximum stamina by 17%
Interactive Map Locations

1. Realm of Shadows Map
X: 8324 Y: 8293
Inside the Darklight Catacombs. After pulling a lever that switches on several lights, jump over a nearby railing and circle around a ledge to find a small room. This talisman can be found inside a chest in the room.
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