Theurgist's Rite Implements
A tome detailing an exceptional ability for tricksters. Use it to learn Dragon’s Delusion.
Interactive Map Locations

1. World Map
X: 4958 Y: 7280
Unlocks the Hidden Trickster Skill:
Dragon Delusion. Climb the shrine via the ladder outside on the southern wall, head west around the shrine, and then jump over to the Plaque which is above the entrance.
Luz (Trickster Vocation NPC) will tell you that you saw through their illusion and will reward you with the scroll. This jump may require you to use certain Vocation skills to reach it as a regular jump won’t work. We used the
Mystic Spearhand’s
Dragoun’s Foin attack to close the gap, but we suspect it’s intended to use the Trickster’s skills to reach it.
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