Uniter's Mantle Cloaks
A mantle fashioned from fine fur and woven cloth. So decadently comfortable as to instill the wearer with a sense of boldness and grandeur.
How to find / Location
Inside a chest in the Seafloor Shrine, accessible as part of the main storyline for
A New Godsway. Go through the Seafloor Shrine, and enter the Sacred Grounds part of the map. From there, go up the stairs in the main room, turn right,m and follow the path into a new room with the chest inside that room.
Equippable By

Interactive Map Locations

1. World Map
X: 7209 Y: 7516
Go up the stairs in the Sacred Ground of the Seafloor Shrine, turn right on the stairs, and follow the path towards a room with a balcony. There is a chest in the room containing this cloak item.
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