I’ll be Waiting The New Normal
If I keep finding all this nothing, I’m not gonna have any hands left to carry the hoard of awesomeness that I’m 110% confident is lurking …somewhere round here… ugh. Hope you’re having better luck than I am. This place looks rinsed.
Gonna head to the top floor and see if I’m any luckier there. I think I can haul myself up through this elevator.
Meet me there :)
I’ll be waiting <3
You’re such an idiot. I can’t believe you’re still trying to prank me back in the middle of THE ZOMPOCALYPSE. I nearly got my butt munched just trying to get up the shaft (this is sounding a lot more fun than it was!)
You’re probably off somewhere chuckling away to yourself right now. Hah hah. I’m gonna have another sweep of this floor to give you some time to think about your actions mister… plus we both know who has the eye for detail in this relationship :). Just meet me back here or let me know where you’re heading next and I’ll follow <3
And you better be serious next time!!
While in the Hotel Halperin lobby, go to the broken elevator next to the main reception. Climb up the elevator, then into the first floor. You will find the note near where you enter the first floor.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Halperin Hotel Map
Found on the wall in-between the elevators. Picking this up will reveal a hidden switch.
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