Black Knight Armor (Knowledge) Armor Knowledge
How to Obtain
Delving Armor: You can obtain Black Knight Armor by delving it using the Delving Bench. The Delving Bench is a crafting station in Conan Exiles that allows you to create high-tier armor and weapons by using various resources and recipes.
Challenges in Obtaining Godbreaker/Champion/Redeem Legion Set: To delve Black Knight Armor, you need the corresponding recipes for the Godbreaker, Champion, or Redeem Legion set. However, obtaining these recipes can be challenging. These recipes can be dropped by defeating The Judge, but the drop rate is quite low, estimated at around 5%. The Judge is a formidable enemy, so be prepared for a tough fight.
**Cheese-Killing The Judge:**The Judge is known for hitting hard, but there’s a strategy to cheese-kill him. His behavior is somewhat similar to that of a thrall fighter, meaning he can be staggered or knocked back. Try pushing him into a corner and use a combination of an axe and mace (both you and your thrall) to spam-hit him. This tactic can prevent him from having a chance to hit you back.

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