Azure Dust Transformations
How to Obtain
Unlocked when you defeat the Man-in-Stone at the end of his questline. A full walkthrough can be found in our guide here.
Light Attack: Earth Shatter
Strike the enemy three times with your heavy head, each blow more painful than the last.
Heavy Attack: Mountain Splitter
Dash forward with full force. Fully charge to dash further, ramming all enemies in your path.
Spell: Rockfall
Build up full Focus to unleash this spell. Leap high and smash into the ground, causing a large Area of Damage with a shockwave of earth and stone.
From azure dust, a rock guai stands robust.
Transform into a rock guai, immune to all Four Banes. It builds up Might when hit.
Unique Upgrades
Each talent level moderately increases Defense.

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